Ace of Arenas Wiki
Aurora -Aurora can do very little in teamfights if she’s not geared up, so farming is essential for her to be effective.

-As Aurora lacks good mobility, teaming up with a champion with strong crowd control is a big boost for her.

-Aurora's ultimate, Dreamland Spell is a powerful initiation tool. When used effectively with her allies in range, can decimate the opposing team when in a teamfight after its duration ends, causing a large damaging explosion and stun. Note that Dreamland Spell is a channeling type ultimate, with the setback of it being unable to control her for its duration that it's being channeled.

-Dreamland Spell "taunts" enemies caught (exclusive to champions only), dealing 1 point of damage to Aurora while channeling it.

-Aurora needs to deal massive damage whilst staying alive for her team to win the teamfights, so you should try to balance your investment between offensive and defensive items.

-Aurora is very easy to gank during early game, as she's squishy and has bad mobility. As she's very item-hungry, you should bully her during her farming phase as much as possible.

-Aurora has very powerful crowd control abilities. You should isolate her from teamfights.

Camellia -Camellia may have the best mobility in the game. Using her ult, she can quickly dart to a location, be it chasing a fleeing enemy or running from an ambush.

-The most important task she has in the game is to take out the key champion of the enemy team. This should be easy when her ult is ready.

-Stay behind minions to avoid being charmed by her.

-Camellia is quite vulnerable when both Orb of Wisdom and Phantom Rush are on cool down. Try to take note of these times and strike.

Sun Wukong -Combine Somersault Charge and Quick Escape together to harras your opponent.

-Build your defensive items first, as Wukong is a great engager and teamfighter.

-Wukong tends to use Somersault Charge and Quick Escape together, make sure you're aiming the right Wukong.

-Use your control abilities to counter Wukong when he dashes.

Electa -Good positioning ensures that Wind Shock doesn't miss opponents.

-Be sparing with your use of Quick Shot, as you may need this ability to relocate yourself.

-You can use Energy Barrage to clear minion waves or initiate teamfights.

-Electa cannot deal much damage during early game, be a bully and keep her from farming.

-Stay behind your minions to avoid Electa's harassment.

Lilith -Fire your Bind Curse from the brush or at snared targets.

-Use Binding Curse and Damnation as a combo to maximize your damage.

-Make sure your teammates are with you when you're about to cast Demonic Chains.

-Use minions to block Lilith's Binding Curse.

-Do not underestimate the damage of Damnation.

-Run from Lilith to break the chain of Demonic Chains.

Lucan -Three best stats for Lucan: Heath, movement speed and armor penetration.

-Avoid meaningless exchanges, so that you can make good use out of your passive.

-Teamfights aside, Lucan is great as a lane pusher, gaining another edge for his team.

-Always stay away from the unknown brush, taking full damage from Lethal Dance is, well, lethal.

-Constantly harass him on the lane to keep his passive disabled.

-When your health is low, stay away from Lucan, as he can kill you with one sweep of Imperial Justice.

Musaya -Balance your uses of Shadow Strike and Concentrated Kendo to save mana.

-Stay out of the way of enemies when using Concentrated Kendo, or you may be targeted or harrased.

-Musaya is a great lane pusher and can get away from enemy ganks easily using his ult.

-Musaya is always squishy, with coordinated gank he is very easy to kill in early game.

-Musaya is still vulnerable to crowd control abilities when his ult is activated.

-Watch your lane! Musaya is a strong lane pusher, meaning he can put great pressure on your team.

Hiti -Do not use Multi-Shot to push the lane as this makes you an easy target to gank.

-You can use your ultimate to initiate a fight, or to keep yourself safe from enemy champions.

-Hit and run is a core technique for Hiti.

-Hiti is very easy to gank, bait her to push the lane and you can take her out easily with your teammates.

-Hiti lacks burst damage,but she can steadily deal a lot of damage if she's not taken down. Out-damage her before she's able to take your team down.

Gaer -Lava Bolt and Thermal Shock can be used together as a powerful combo.

-Gaer’s crowd control ability can be dodged, and he can’t deal much damage to a single target. Because of this, you should always try to avoid being ganked and getting into duels unless you’re absolutely sure that you have the upper hand.

-Gaer's crowd control ability can be dodged.

-Do not cluster together to create a perfect opportunity for Gaer's ultimate.

-Gaer's a great poker, when fighting him, try not to lose too much health before teamfights.

Habbie -Habbie can be built into an AD or AP champion accroding to your item selection.

-A lot of your damage comes from the passive effect of Alertness, so you will want to max this ability first.

-Place your traps wisely! Sometimes you may get unexpected kills from it.

-You can use area damage to reveal Habbie when he's entered stealth.

-Habbie can blind you, do not engage him if you're blinded.

-Be cautious when stepping into the brush, Habbie (and his traps) may be waiting for you. 

Patch -Patch is weak before level 4, but when he reaches level 4 you will feel a huge spike.

-Patch is a good initiator, with his Hooked Fetters being able to pull enemy team into a fight if they linger too close.

-A team mate with strong crowd control abilities, such as Pandora or Lilith, can greatly increase your chances of pulling the right target.

-Patch is weak before level 4, give him a hard time leveling.

- Don't allow Patch a clear path to vulnerable champions or he'll use Hooked Fetters to pull them into perilous situations. Ensure vulnerable champions are hidden behind minions and/or a tank champion

-Do not let Patch get kills in the early game, or he can easily snowball with his passive.

Thor -Chain Lightning is an ideal ability to kill minions and harrass your opponents, but you need magic regen items to stay on the lane.

-You don't have to save your ultimate, Wrath of Thor, instead if both teams are locked in the fight use it as soon as you can.

-Thor is a lane bully, avoid exchanges on the lane or his pokes will make you suffer.

-Thor's ultimate will get you no matter wherever you're on the map. Watch out for your health and do not hover around when your health is low.

-Thor is squishy and has no disengage abilities, with proper control and targeting you can easily take him out.

Kadar -Flying Dagger has great range, and can be used to poke your opponents.

-Do not stack your abilities together, instead compose them with your normal attacks to form a control chain.

-Kadar is the best duelist in the game, but he's easy to gank during early game.

-Do not engage Kadar in a solo fight, instead stick with your team or he can take you out in seconds.

Dante -You can control the damage of Seed of Curse by timing the use of Abyssal Flame.

-All your three abilities can be composed into a powerful combo.

-Though squishy, you can detonate Seed of Curse to save yourself from gankers.

-Dante is very easy to kill when all his abilities are under cooldown.

-Do not fight enemy team in a cluster, as this creates a perfect opportunity for Dante to cast his ultimate.

Rosmira -Rosmira is very powerful during early game, as she has both good damage and survivability.

-Use Sanctimonious Sword to initiate a teamfight, and save your Charge for the enemy carry champion.

-Rosmira can be very tanky against AD champions, but she cannot handle AP champions very well.

-Rosmira's good mobility relies on her abilities, and when silenced, feared or stunned she's an easy target.

Helen -Helen’s ult does not have to deal maximized damage, instead you can use it to separate the enemy team in teamfights and take out your opponents one by one.

-Helen’s Tide Spirit is a great laning ability that can damage your opponents while simultaneously healing you and your allies. You can even use this to heal your creeps, making your lane both more aggressive and less lucrative for enemy farming.

-Helen is an all-time squishy champion, and is very easy to gank.

-Bait or force Helen to cast her ult before teamfight can gain your team a huge advantage.

-Always stay away from Helen's ultimate.

Locke -Locke is an all-rounder, with a fairly large amount of health, and fairly powerful magical and physical attacks.

-Locke is well used as a tank character, absorbing damage and slowing or stunning enemy champions while teammates with more powerful attacks deliver the major damage.

-Locke is very hard to kill, but he's not a good damage dealer. Try to focus your damage on squishier targets first.

-Locke lacks good mobility, if possible, kite him.

Aurora -Aurora can do very little in teamfights if she’s not geared up, so farming is essential for her to be effective.

-As Aurora lacks good mobility, teaming up with a champion with strong crowd control is a big boost for her.

-Aurora's ultimate, Dreamland Spell is a powerful initiation tool. When used effectively with her allies in range, can decimate the opposing team when in a teamfight after its duration ends, causing a large damaging explosion and stun. Note that Dreamland Spell is a channeling type ultimate, with the setback of it being unable to control her for its duration that it's being channeled.

-Dreamland Spell "taunts" enemies caught (exclusive to champions only), dealing 1 point of damage to Aurora while channeling it.

-Aurora needs to deal massive damage whilst staying alive for her team to win the teamfights, so you should try to balance your investment between offensive and defensive items.

-Aurora is very easy to gank during early game, as she's squishy and has bad mobility. As she's very item-hungry, you should bully her during her farming phase as much as possible.

-Aurora has very powerful crowd control abilities. You should isolate her from teamfights.

Lenneth -Lenneth is very squishy, so look out for early ganks. Do not use Lenneth’s abilities, such as Light Shuttle and Hurricane Strike to push the lane, as this makes you even more vulnerable to ganks.

-Even with her passive, Lenneth needs to take care to survive as long as possible in teamfights to better support her teammates.

-Don’t save your ult till the last moment, instead feel free to cast it when the timing is right, you teammates can make good use of that 2 seconds stun.

-Lenneth has great durability on the lane, but she's very easy to gank.

-Lenneth is squishy, so make sure to get her locked down early game or she will punish your team hard with her crowd control, healing and damaging abilities.

Alice -Alice has a combination of both high damage and reliable crowd control, but she is somewhat weak, even in her bear form.

-Your ult can be used to initiate a fight, or to counter your opponent’s attack. You can even use it to relocate yourself in teamfights or to flash over a wall.

-Alice is a perfect target for gank: zero mobility at early level, no crwod control abilities and squishy.

-Alice relies heavily on her ult in teamfights, take the fight to the enemy team when her ultimate is in cooldown.

Domino -You can reposition yourself easily with Battlefield Raider.

-Fire Fatal Thrust at close range to maximize its damage and effect.

-Your damage becomes much higher in melee combat, but doing so also exposes yourself to enemy fire.

-Domino has a short attack range for a ranged champion. Use this to fight against her.

-Domino's damage becomes much higher in melee combat. When she's engaged in melee, focus your damage on her to take her out.

Mephisto -Mephisto’s Space Rift can be used to push the lane, and can also be used for increased movement speed.

-His core ability, Inescapable, is a great initiating ability. Try to cast it at the perfect time so that your team can wipe up the opponents. 

-Though Mephisto’s abilities are strong, he heavily relies on his teammates to survive a teamfight. Try isolate him instead of engage his entire team.

-Look out for Mephisto's Inescapable, as this ability is almost impossible to dodge, make sure your team don't cluster together.

Natasha -Natasha has the largest attack range in Ace of Arenas, which gives her a huge advantage during the laning phase. You can poke your opponent from afar without being engaged yourself, and once you’ve done enough damage, you can use Trap Mine and Snipe as a combo to secure the kill.

-Natasha’s ult, Black Widow Agent, grants her amazing burst damage, activating this ability at the right time will make you a tremendous threat to your enemy.

-Natasha is an item-hungry champion, which means she has to farm a lot. Harass and gank will greatly slow her from achieving certain item goals.

-Natasha does not have great mobility. Once she's used Snipe, it's easy to sweep in with crowd controls and confirm the kill.

Mishra -Mishra’s passive blocks an enemy ability every 20 seconds, making her ideal for laning against other mages.

-As a squishy mage, do not use Surprise Attack to initiate your offense, instead, go with your team’s crowd controls as a combo for the best result.

-Mishra’s Black Blasting has a long casting range, and can aid small skirmishes quite well. 

-Mishra's shield blocks your ability every 20 seconds. Try to time your abilities well to avoid an ineffective cast.

-Mishra's ultimate can strike from afar, so try to avoid risky skirmishes with her nearby.

Askar -Askar is very item dependent, as he needs both solid defense and abundant damage to help his team in teamfights.

-Askar relies heavily on his abilities to win a fight, master his abilities and you will master Askar.

-Askar's Icy Shield explodes upon taking 5 hits, slowing nearby enemies. Do not attack him when his shield is on.

-Askar's ultimate has very high damage. You should get out of its area of effect as quickly as possible.

Tressler -For Tressler, combos are everything. Do not use Lightning Trick or Prophetic Blessing separately, instead use them as a combo to maximize the effect.

-Though Tressler is a mage, some attack speed can give him a huge boost, items like Thunderbolt Blade work quite well with him.

-Tressler’s ult has great potential as you can use it to secure a kill, poke your enemy, push the lane from afar or steal epic monster kill from enemy teams… use your imagination!

-Tressler has the highest burst damage within Ace of Arenas, do not underestimate his damage.

-Most of Tressler's damage comes from his abilities, bait him to use one of his abilities will greatly hinder him from dealing damage.

Aesis -Aesis is a versatile champion, she can solo a mid early game, or act as a support in either lanes. Her passive greatly disrupts her opposing team.

-Never underestimate Nether Flood. A good hit from the Flood will inflict "Decay"; a punishing damage over-time, which is greatly amplified when her opponent is hit by her allies with their normal attacks, or spells.

-Web of Fate is one of the powerful crowd-control spells in the game. Causing initial damage upon "exploding", and pulling enemies caught in its center, dealing additional damage.

-Ascension is a powerful ultimate. When combo-ed with her two spells, ensuring quick demise on her foes, by dealing powerful area of effect magical damage. Also, Ascension also reduces damage taken by Aesis, making tank items a little bit necessary.

- Aesis is a very squishy champion, along with her abysmal movement speed, ganking her throughout the game to take her out is easy.

-Her two spells are both AoE, not to mention, Nether Flood is easily dodged because of its slow travel time, and Web of Fate's animation makes it easily recognized, and best case, you can only catch the "explosion" damage, and avoid the pull.

-Ascension deals area magic damage, so, preventing her to farm magic-amplifying items hinders Ascension's bonus damage. Note that Ascension reduces damage she takes, so avoid soloing her when you have not yet farmed properly. Also, Troll Bane's unique passive only applies after its duration, so you can avoid a heavy normal attack from Aesis.

-Also note, Ascension silences Aesis for its duration, and also prevents her to recall back to base. Make use of this open window to perform combos wile she's silenced.

Maescia -Maescia is a very powerful champion throughout the game, as a quick combo from her spells can easily break down anyone foolish enough to face her.

-Undead Grasp is a great farming and harassing tool. Activating it will cause spirits to attack randomly around Maescia, and heal her simultaneously. This is most effective when Maescia is soloing another champion.

-Withering Touch is a powerful harassing spell. Cursing enemies in a large area, slowing them down, dealing damage over-time, silencing healing effects (spells or items), and can be used to scout brushes for ambushes.

-Cataclysm deals heavy global damage, and inflicting Fear to enemies caught in a straight line. Also note, Cataclysm moves Maescia a few ranges in front of her. This is an effective tactic to escape incoming skirmishes, with the sacrifice of cooling down the ability, and/or initiating a teamfight, and unleasing her spells immediately.

-Maescia is an extremely squishy champion, and cannot withstand continuous damage, especially from Assassin-type champions.

-Hide behind minions to prevent, or at-least minimize damage from Undead Grasp.

-Cataclysm may deal heavy damage, but, it can be also easily dodged. Just be aware if you are about to be attacked by Cataclysm, immediately change your direction upon the cast animation, and you can dodge the wave.
